About us

Over time, the TI team has consisted of instructors of the course, graduate students, and undergraduate students of the course. Among us we have extensive experience in schools and schooling including, pre-school, kindergarten, elementary, middle years, high school, and adult education and have found ourselves in the roles of learners, teachers, teachers-on-call, and principals. We, like you (we presume), are all educators concerned with making our classrooms better places of learning. Whenever possible, we consciously disrupt the “sage on the stage” model of learning~ teaching~researching in order to honour the knowledge we can all bring into the TI process.

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Dr. Michele Tanaka

Dr. Nicholas Stanger

Vanessa Tse

Maureen Farish


Significant contributors to the TI team were Meaghan Abra, Lisa Starr, and Dr. Diana Nicholson. Thanks to Dr. Kathy Sanford for her initial visioning of the course. This work would not have been possible without the generous funding of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. We are appreciative for the independent external editors, Moira Cairns and Margo McLoughlin, who have helped shape and clarify the site.